Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Victor Sinclair Triple Corojo

Today was my sisters Birthday. After I called her to wish her a Happy Birthday I went over to Max and Irma's bar to have a cigar with Spence and Daryl and talk GooeyGlue.

I straight cut this one and paired with Nob Creek. An absolutely awesome cigar. every time I smoke one of these I want to buy more. I have really fallen in love with the Victor Sinclair cigars. I have not had a bad one yet.

From Cigars International:

Whether you’re a fan of Corojo tobaccos or just looking for a flavorful, satisfying cigar, I advise securing an order of these handmades pronto. Called Triple Corojo because it’s 100% Corojo - wrapper, binder, and fillers. The result is a firecracker of a smoke booming with chewy, rich, hearty flavors. A smooth, feisty bouquet of earthy flavors and ample spice. Full-bodied.

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